
10 Ways to Get Motivated – And Stay That Way

Do you have a dream?

Do you have a vision of the life you want to live? Is there an idea burning in your brain – a book you want to write, a project you want to complete, a business you want to build?

So what’s stopping you? The truth is, there is only one thing keeping you from making your dream a reality: you’re not trying hard enough.

We are creatures of habit, and most of us go through life just doing what we’ve always done. We do what we’ve got to do today in order to get by, and then we just want to relax and unwind.

But if you want to experience something new, you’ve got to do something you’ve never done before. You have to take charge of your life, and get focused on your goals. You have to really want it. You have to get motivated.

You’ve got to get your ass in gear!

Easier said than done, I know. But it is possible to change your habits, to re-wire your brain, and make your dreams a reality. Start doing these 10 things every day, and I guarantee you will start seeing a difference in yourself and in your life – sooner than you think!

1. Start Your Day with Intention. When we first wake up, it takes 20 – 30 minutes for our bodies to completely transition from sleeping to waking. This time is critical. It sets the tone for your whole day. Start off on the right foot, and everything else will fall in line much easier.

So take just a few minutes in the morning to sit, preferably alone and free from distraction, and just think about your life and your goals. Where do you want to be in six months? In ten years? What can you today to make some progress, to get just one step closer? Get clear about your vision. Get your priorities in line. Make this a part of your routine, and your life will never be the same.

2. The Good Old To-Do List. Get out a pen and pad, and make a list. You know those goals you outlined in step one? Put it in writing. Go over it everyday. Form a relationship with it. As soon as you accomplish something on the list, cross it off. Feels good, doesn’t it? Now on to the next thing, until you can cross it off, too. Then add some more. Repeat.

This is so cliché, I know. It’s not new or exciting – but it freakin’ works. And that’s what matters. This is one of the most universal habits of successful people. Establish this one habit as a part of your daily life, and you will make make progress, and your life will change, and you absolutely will reach your goals eventually. It’s that simple.

3. Setting Deadlines for Yourself. If you’re anything like me, you probably tend to put things off until the last minute. There’s a little procrastination in all of us, I think. And there is nothing like a deadline staring you in the face to make you leap into action, and lose sleep if necessary, in order to get the job done.

But when you’re starting your own business, or doing your own thing, there is no one standing over you with a stopwatch and a whip. So you’ve got to be your own boss. Set your own deadlines – and stick to them! When you find yourself putting things off, and a deadline is bearing down on you, don’t just ‘let it slide.’ Use that last minute surge of motivation to get stuff done!

4. Get Moving. Exercise isn’t just good for your body – it’s good for your brain, too. When we get moving, our bodies produce chemicals that boost growth and development of new neural pathways. Even a relaxing walk can stimulate creative thinking. And the more we exercise, the more we can raise our heart-rate and keep it raised, the greater the boost and the benefit.

5. Journaling. In addition to your to-do list, it can be very helpful to keep a personal journal. This enables you to track your progress, day to day and week to week. It can be very encouraging to look back and see what you’ve accomplished in black and white.

A journal can also help you through the rough times, when your head is full of doubts and frustrations, and you just want to throw your hands in the air and forget the whole thing. It is such a relief to just write it all down, to get it out, to confess to the page. It’s cleansing. It’s therapeutic.

6. Start a Blog. Blogging brings all the benefits of journaling and then some. It opens up your creative process to the world. It helps you to connect with others who share your passion and your interests, and others who are working in the same field. You can learn from them and their experience, as they learn from you and are encouraged by your journey.

A blog helps keep you motivated by making you accountable to others. Announcing your goals to the world is a big step, and definitely increases your drive to achieve them. And if that’s not enough for you, a blog can also benefit your project or business in many ways – marketing, building your fan base, and even becoming a source of income eventually.

7. Books & Movies for Inspiration. When I’m in need of a motivational boost, I often reach for a favorite book. Whether it’s the poetry of Walt Whitman, the epic prose of Victor Hugo, or a more practical book like Chris Guillebeau’s The $100 Start Up – I get recharged and re-focused by a little inspirational reading.

If you’re not much of a reader, that’s okay too. There are countless movies that will pick you up, lift your spirits, and remind you that the sky is the limit. Some of my favorites are: 3 Idiots, The Dead Poets Society, and the all-time classic Forrest Gump.

8. Form a Mastermind Group. It’s been said that we are the average of the five people we hang around the most. Do you spend your time with people who are active and ambitious? Or pessimistic and lazy? The truth is, if you want to be encouraged and empowered to succeed, you need to surround yourself with the right people.

Forming a Mastermind Group or similar support system can be a tremendous benefit to those who are trying to get ahead. We all need to have people in our corner who believe in us, hold us accountable, give us advice and critical feedback, and help us to be the best we can be.

9. End the Day with Reflection. At the end of every day, take a few minutes to look back and reflect on what you’ve learned, what you’ve accomplished, and how far you have come. Are you happy with yourself? Did you give your all? Be honest. What can you do better tomorrow?

10. Start Over Whenever Necessary. Every now and then, try as you might, things are bound to get off track. You take one day off for a Walking Dead marathon, and the next thing you know it’s been two weeks since you even looked at your to-do list. It’s okay. We all slip and fall. It happens to the best of us.

But the winners get up, and get back on track. This is the difference between those who make it, and those who don’t. This is make or break. Will you dust yourself off, and get back to your list, get back on your grind? Or will you give up, and go back to wishing and hoping? The choice is yours.

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