
Impact of AI on The Future of Email

Email occupies a core position in the modern workplace. It is no longer simply a tool for online communication – email is now used for task management as well as personal archiving and information discovery. This shift in email activity can lead to information overload and yet more anxiety.

However, at the same time web services i.e Google Calendar, Google Maps, Gmail, Google Now, etc. have gotten much better at handling increasing volumes of data generated by user’s activities. Recently, efforts on tackling email management have emerged on the artificial intelligence (AI) front.

An AI-enabled email would be capable of generating messages, managing documents and predicting replies and contents.

AI Can Learn to Tailor Emails

The benefits of AI are substantial, but a large volume of training data is required. Email is by far the most important source of personal information. It contains bytes upon bytes of personalized data which reveals our preferences and priorities for everything under the sun. Moreover, our emails are transmitted across open protocols in a universal text format that enables us to grant access to any product – of any brand – we’re interested in.

Surprisingly, it takes almost no time for AI to explore volumes of information: bills, Amazon order confirmations, event invitations, hotel confirmations, and flight bookings; to learn your preferences much faster and without human error. Eventually, it will become smarter in its ability to put information into context as it learns from you and millions of others like you.

Intelligent Agents Will Make Your Job Easier  

And, so, here’s another view of the world. We’re going to be thinking about the AI agent as the software operates silently in the background.

As our address books swell, so will our email client’s awareness of the people we talk to, and not just from the emails they send. Every time we enter an email address, our clients will be able use data via external services and APIs.
The client uses that information to update Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+, Instagram and including platforms not yet thought of. Moreover, the external services might ask for permission to use our emails to better understand us and offer us a more personalized, catered experience outside of our client as well.

As companies around the world become increasingly involved in developing personalized AI-driven customer services, so does our expectation. However, only our inbox provides insight into the products, brand, and people that we interact with. This is why email will be crucial to getting the most complete, refined and versatile applications for artificial intelligence, and we’ll eventually start to unleash the full potential of the messages in our inbox.

image: shutterstock.

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