27 Striking Facts Most People Don’t Know About Startups – Infographic

The global economy has always been sustained by innovation in the business world, but how do startups differ from country to country and what are some of the galvanizing factors behind the current entrepreneurial landscape? Using a wide variety of trusted sources Coupofy has compiled 27 interesting facts that explore these questions in more detail.

While it is no surprise that the United States continues to house more startups than any other country (4.8 million), emerging economies are also experiencing massive growth with the likes of India recording 2 million startups and Brazil accounting for 584,000. Perhaps most interesting is the rise of Uganda. When the number of entrepreneurs is measured as a percentage of the population, the East African nation is the number one in the world while the US is right down in the 40s. Is this a contrast between the basic trading of young economies and the mega corporations of advanced capitalism?

The infographic also explores some of the initiatives launched by governments of the world to support their startup sectors. Israel for example has made $450 million available to help fund research and development, while Chileans can apply for a $40,000 equity free grant. So called startup visas are also being issued, enticing entrepreneurs from foreign countries to bring their innovative ideas (and hopefully financial success) with them.

You will also find data on the best startup locations, recent success stories, and where the venture capitalists are currently investing their money. So check out the infographic today!

Made by: Coupofy

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