Best Coffee Places For Remote Working, In Lahore

A fresh perspective and a change of space can do wonders for both your work productivity and your general peace of mind. Whether it is a book you wish to peruse or a deadline you have to meet, a pleasant nook of space and a nice cup of coffee could turn your day around. And with that, it is important to find the right setting that is most conducive to kick start your creative mood just the right way.  

In a city as busy as Lahore, it can be hard to find a safe haven away from the hustle and bustle of metropolitan living and have some downtime to recharge, recoup and come back equipped to deal with the world and its demands. Below is a list of coffee places in Lahore where you can cozy up with a latte and your favorite book, or chill with a shake and your laptop. Whether your need is for reflection and quiet, or efficiency and energy, we are quite sure that these places can deliver.

The Urban Café, Yogilicious

The recent renovations to the space have resulted in a more spacious setting, made even better with them bringing in the most comfortable of chairs you would want to simply sink into. The ambience is very comfortable, and the lighting happens to be inherently soothing, while the upbeat nature of their music playlist provides the perfect amount of creative stimulation; but thankfully very little distraction. This is the perfect location to get some serious work done and beat chronic procrastination.

Second Cup

The Second Cup, located at Gulburg as well as in Y Block DHA, is perfect for all your intellectual endeavors, whether it is to curl up with a good book or type out the newest best seller, or just to brainstorm ideas for your next big gig. With a slice of the good old New York cheesecake and comfortable seating to boot, this addresses all of your working woes.



This is a favorite for professionals who are sick of the office setting but still need to get some work done efficiently and effectively. With fast Wi-Fi and plenty of charging ports, Mocca is tailored to meet your work needs. It is equally fascinating to and welcoming for corporate slaves and the creative-writing types. And when all seems to be going downhill, their macaroons will instill in you renewed life and vigor so you can meet any deadline and finish any assignment.

Gloria Jean’s

The place provides the quintessential hippie workplace environment, and hand-crafted hot beverages with the perfect blend of coffee to awaken your senses and enhance your brainpower. The upbeat atmosphere keeps you awake and working away.

Caffe Royale Pakistan

This seven-storied place is advertised as not requiring you to order any food or drink! Sounds unbelievable, right? It also boasts a Readers Lounge specifically geared towards readings and project meetings. It also offers free Wi-Fi and due to its expansive space, encourages you to stay as long as you wish to, unlike most busy places in town. If spending money or eating out is something you wish to avoid, this is the place to go.


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