#SayitwithPepsi Leading the Digital Revolution in Pakistan

Pepsi’s name has become synonymous with entertaining marketing campaigns that have always delighted its consumers. Whether it is cricket, celebrities or pop stars, Pepsi always knows how to pluck the emotional strings of the general public towards the right chorus.

But with the entry into the New Year, the brand has taken its marketing techniques to a whole new universal level that transcends all borders. That’s right; we’re talking about the new trending #SayitwithPepsi campaign.

Pepsi has caught the hip global Emoji trend of the younger generation and given it a refreshing, expressive direction. Emojis have become the global mode of communication for the upcoming texting youth of the world. All Pepsi beverage containers will now be seen adorning these adorable yet highly expressive little faces depicting all forms of human emotions. With a diverse variety to choose from, Pepsi can now convey any of your thoughts to your friends and loved ones without even saying a word, just bare human feelings caught in the moment, all delivered by this beverage. Be it love, happiness, anger, sadness or just plain entertainment, PepsiMojis have a face for everyone.

The innovative style of marketing has tapped the right human emotions with the campaign being highly popular when it was first launched in Canada, Thailand and the United States last year. Being the very first of its kind, Pepsi’s campaign has been a breath of fresh air especially in Pakistan, giving the tech-savy youth their very own personalized form of expression. The brand has made its consumers truly a part of this global village, where borders and communication barriers no longer exist, by bringing them together through PepsiMojis.

One of the most popular PepsiMoji that caught our attention was of course the PepsiMoji for love. Fancy someone? Can’t talk to that crush of yours? Let the Emojis do the talking for you. Just share a PepsiMoji depicting your feeling and watch the magic unfold. I remember how tense these things can be, watching my one of my friends trying to convey her feelings to one someone she liked. If only the poor soul had a PepsiMoji at that time!

Or imagine this, your rushing home, it’s your anniversary but you’re already late. You mind is whizzing with images of your wife steaming for forgetting the special day. You can’t even bring yourself to say how sorry you are. You enter a shop trying to figure out what could make this all better when suddenly you spot Pepsi with a sad embarrassed Emoji. Perfect for your situation! I don’t know about you guys, but this could be a potential lifesaver!

DISCLOSURE: This post was sponsored by Pepsi.

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