4 Customer Service Tips For Small Businesses

A business does not become successful only because of great products or exceptional service, hard work or determination. The success of a business is determined by how well the business treats its customers.

This is not far-fetched since customers are not in actual fact paying only for products or services but rather a solution to their problem coupled with a great experience.

Statistics show that about $41 billion is lost by companies each year because of poor customer service. And with a lot of money at stake, it is projected that 89% of competition will be based on customer experience in 2016. That’s a whooping difference of 53% compared to 36% 4 years before.

Apart from the alarming risk of financial loss, poor customer service makes it difficult to attract new customers. It’s 14 times easier to sell to an existing customer than it is to a new one. The facts are clear

It does not stop there. Poor customer service shatters a company’s brand as 76% of customers use customer service as an index to determine how much they would value a company’s brand.

I could go on and on, but let me just give out some killer tips that can help get the boat rolling and keep it afloat.

Double Your Response Time…Heck, Triple It

It is not usually what businesses think matters that actually do. What the customer says is what matters, better still how the customer feels. You are dealing with people who have feelings, who are very busy and its not like you are the only option they have too. So the pressure is on.

Majority of business owners think most customers are impatient, but funny thing is they would be the same way in places where they are customers. For instance there are many reasons why you shouldn’t keep your customers on hold, when they call; 60% will hang up if kept waiting on hold. Plus no one likes being put on hold, not even you.

So it is important for a small business to have people on ground who will be available to give prompt service and meet the needs of customers as quickly as possible. Take note of which channel (such as email, phone or social media) customers contact your business with the most and figure out ways you can reduce your response time.

A tailored script for your employees to address reoccurring problems or fixing available problems can go a long way even though one can’t envisage every single possible problem.

Foresight: Find The Problems Before They do

No one has a perfect business. There will problems or issues and you have to be the first to find them. This will put you two steps ahead of your customers.

Once you have identified a problem or a possible problem, have a structured plan to tackle it. Adequate compensation in terms of cash or kind for delayed time, or alternative solutions to your customer’s problems, will endear your business in their hearts. Be creative on how you can make your customer’s life easier or at least put a smile on their face even if just to make them bear the loss cheerfully…yeah, it’s possible.

Develop A Relationship With Your Customers

The aim of your business is to ensure that your customers are happy with your products or services. What most business owners don’t know is that this often means making them happy with you.

Take time to listen to the needs of your customers. Have in place a structure that makes it easy for your customers to give feedback so that you can use the information to improve the quality of your service. Go the extra mile to ensure that their needs are met. Update them on improvements you’ve made to the business.

Studies show that 77% of people between the ages of 18 and 24 make use of mobile devices to seek for customer service so engage with your customers through mobile channels. As you reach out to them through familiar media, remember to be kind and helpful. They are more likely to give a referral to their friends and family and even broadcast you on social media.

Treat Your Employees Well

Your employees are directly in contact with your customers. The way you treat your employees will reflect in the quality of service…inevitably. Give room for effective communication to help address your employees’ concern.

In addition to this, give your employees a free hand to be proactive when solving customers’ problems. Count on their ingenuity in treating customers within your ground rules.

The customer is king? Well these tips will give them their crown and give you the Loyalty you so much desire.

image credit: bigstock

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