How to Protect Your Computer From Becoming a Crypto-Mining Machine

The use of digital currency has been on the rise lately. Since its arrival, the value of cryptocurrency has increased by an astonishing 800%. With this much value, it has attracted millions of users towards itself. These users also include some hackers and web pirates who would do anything to get their hands on the digital currency. This means that they can even hack your systems in order to mine the digital currency. However, there is always a way to prevent such actions. Recently, news has been circulating the web that the website is using the CPU power of its users for crypto-mining.

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According to some users, they noticed that the website has been using 0.8% of their CPU’s power for the mining. The website uses a code from Coinhive in its footer which enables the website to use the CPU power of its users to carry out the mining process. However, it was said by the website that it is actually using 20-30% of the user’s CPU power.

How to prevent it?

There are two ways you can protect your computer from becoming a crypto-mining machine. They are:

Disable JavaScript from browser

In order to protect your CPU power from being misused, simply disable JavaScript from your browser. It was seen that the script employed by the website absorbing the CPU power is actually based on JavaScript and hence, turning JavaScript off will automatically do the trick. However, keep in mind that turning off JavaScript might prevent you from using other features of the website.

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Use AdBlock

One more way to prevent your computer from being a crypto-mining machine is to use AdBlock. All you have to do is install the add-on on your browser. Thereafter, head over to the extension manager on your browser and click on options button under AdBlock. On the options page, click on, “Add your own filters”. A text field will appear. Enter the following address, “” in the text field and press Enter.

This procedure isn’t browser specific. It works on all browsers which support the AdBlock add-on.

That’s all for protecting yourself from crypto-mining. If there is another website doing the same thing, we will keep you updated.

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