Telenor joins hands with Vivid Technologies to Improve Its Customer Experience

Vivid Technologies recently made a deal with Telenor Pakistan, a move that will help boost Telenor’s customer experience. Vivid Technologies is a USA based company which has set a benchmark by introducing visual navigation IVR to enhance the customer experience. Armed with Interactive voice response (IVR) technology, the company aims at improving customer services by making them cost effective, engaging and interactive.

Customer service concerns the policy a company implements on customer service relative to product innovation and enhanced technology. We are living in the age of economic globalization, corporate heads are realizing that personable customer-centric policies aren’t just important, but are crucial to being able to survive and thrive as a leading company.

As many Pakistani telecommunication companies looking for better solutions to their customer service problems, Vivid Technologies is developing new service based on Interactive voice response (IVR) technology that allow the companies to interact with customers in a more cost-effective and user friendly way.

“Vivid seeks to reduce enterprise call center costs by 26%; improve customer satisfaction by 65%; and help reduce incoming call traffic by 30-35% making it cost effective, engaging and interactive. The IVR technology will save customer time by 10 fold and optimize staffing efficiency by 12%,” the company has said in a document provided to PakWired.

Currently, Telenor Pakistan has a total subscriber count of 38 million and has 27% SIM market share. The traditional customer relationship management solutions are not up to the mark, this fuels the need to look for better technological solutions that provide more responsive customer care services. Telenor has agreed to introduce the Interactive voice response (IVR) technology in its customer service centers to enhance customer experience.

“When I first experienced the Digital IVR, it made sense right away. Our customers are getting digitally aware, and Vivid’s digital IVR gives us an opportunity to remove the friction and get up close with our customers in a unique way.” Mr. Irfan Wahab Khan, CEO Telenor Pakistan, said in a statement.

The deal was announced in November 2016. Both parties believe that this could be the first step toward a larger partnership of corporate, telecom and information sectors.

“The whole idea is to improve that fabric of connectivity between the customer and customer services. This partnership is a stepping stone towards greater things for Vivid,” Mr. Kashif Naeem, Director Business Development, Vivid, said in a follow-up statement about the deal.

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