Plan9 and Jazz join hands for a £250,000 innovation fund

Plan9 is in the news these days for its commitment to boost the entrepreneurial system in Pakistan. Lately, Plan9 and Jazz are collaborating for shortlisting potential startups to take part in international innovation fund. This project is sponsored by UK Department for International Development (DFID) and by supported by GSM Association (GSMA).

GSMA launched this innovation fund to help rising digital start-ups in Africa and selected a few Asian countries as well. These include Algeria, Bangladesh, and Pakistan. This entity represents the interests of mobile operators globally with almost 800 operators and above 250 companies across mobile networks.

The technical side will be handled by Jazz by coordinating the efforts between GSMA and potential start-ups to plan proposals.

The two leveled selection process

Plan9 and Plan X, being two entrepreneurship programs, are hosting the event where various startups will contest for regional representation.

The selection will be done through a two level process. In level 1, the contestants will represent their start-up to a panel of industry experts after which Plan9 will nominate the final candidates to Jazz.

Founder of Plan9 and Chairman of Punjab Information Technology Board (PITB), Dr. Umar Saif stated:

“Such initiatives are highly appreciable as they not only encourage the startups to outperform themselves and make their mark in the world but also strengthen the faith of investors in Pakistani entrepreneurial ecosystem”

GSMA Innovation fund benefits

Under the GSMA Innovation Fund, qualifying startups will acquire the following benefits:

1. A funding amount between £100,000 and £250,000 for a project spanning 12-18 months in total
2. Mobile-focused guidance and bespoke technical support
3. In the broader spectrum, opportunities to develop partnerships with mobile companies in relevant markets

Round one of funding will focus on two key areas. First is ‘Shared Economy’ and the other is ‘Services for SMEs’. The former suggests that candidates should provide any mobile-based platform, product or service which aids low income citizens in emerging markets to generate income from ‘underutilized assets’ by sharing those assets among peers.

Services for SMEs talks about candidates designing any mobile-based solution, product, or service for micro, small and medium Enterprises (SMEs). These can be formal or an informal but basic criterion is to enhance productivity and growth.

The candidates who meet either one or both of the given criteria will be eligible. However, they should provide a 50% of the amount requested (cash or kind) from their own pocket.

Let us know if you think we missed anything.

Image Source: Plan9 Facebook

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