Process of re-verification of CNICs is explained

Few days ago, Pakistan’s Interior Minister, Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan approved the process of re-verification of CNICs all across Pakistan. The drive is supposed to be started from 1st July 2016 officially and the deadline to complete the re-verification process of CNICs is 6 months.

Today, the procedure to apply for the re-verification of CNIC is out and apparently it is an easy method. The formal launch of SMS service for the re-verification of yours and your family members is announced by NADRA.

NADRA has already started the practice of sending the text message to the head of family about the overall procedure. However, if you are not a head of the family, it doesn’t matter. You can check the status and the family tree too.

The process of re-verification of CNICs is quite simple. All you need to do is…

1- Send your 13 digits CNIC number (with or without dashes, doesn’t matter) to 8008
2- In reply, you will get the names of all the registered members of your family
3- If the list (that you receive) satisfies you, reply to the message with 2
4- If the list has any name that doesn’t belong to your family, report it immediately to NADRA by replying to the message with 1.

If you are not a head of the family, you can also send your father’s CNIC number to 8008 and in return you will get the list of all the family members within the tree of your family.

For your information, NADRA has kept the record of each member in a certain tree. A CNIC which is registered with one family tree cannot be registered to another or it cannot be obtained unlawfully.

You can notify NADRA instantly as soon as you come across any name that doesn’t belong to your family tree.

The drawback of this service is that any individual who knows your CNIC can obtain a list of family members and their names by sending a 13 digit CNIC number to 8008.

In case you are unable to send the message to 8008 due to a network problem then you needn’t worry as the service is going to be available for all networks pretty soon.

Moreover, this re-verification exercise is officially going to start from 1st July 2016.

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