Should Financial Wealth Be The Only Measure Of Success?

A couple of weeks back, I published a post on Pakistan’s richest people and how, if money was a key motivator for you, they could provide you with the increased drive you need.

As the post included the top five richest people in the country, it mentioned two names in particular that caused a number of comments – Asif Ali Zadari and Nawaz Sharif.

Both clearly having ‘dubious’ backgrounds, I think it’s important to first point out that their inclusion was based on nothing other than their finances. How they gained their wealth wasn’t a consideration.

Having mentioned this at the time in the comments, thinking about it a little more, it made me realise there was another component at play – and that’s that there are more points than simply money when it came to judging success.

In many ways, this was what that post was alluding to, as it focused purely on those people driven by money and didn’t focus on any other indicator or inspirational factor behind success.

But what actually are the other indicators? Do some people not focus on money at all?

In my eyes – and this is just my own belief – everyone is driven by money to some extent. Whether you want to be taking home US$500 a month or US$500,000, money makes the world go round and without it, life can become complex.

But although I believe this to be the case, I do feel strongly that money isn’t, or shouldn’t be, the only force behind success.

What I do think, however, is it can take a bit of time – years, even – to truly realise this.

And I’m a perfect example.

I’m 28. From the age of 18 until my boy was born two years ago, I worked relentlessly. I’d have a salaried role, then freelance for 40 hours each week outside of it. All because I wanted more money.

I wanted to buy things; be able to spoil my friends, family and loved ones. I didn’t want to have financial worries.

And I don’t regret doing this. There were points that were difficult, but I’m now in a good position financially, having made arrangements and investments that will help to secure the future of my family.

As soon as my boy was born, however, I had somewhat of a realisation moment. Yes, money was still important, but it wasn’t my greatest, in demand commodity any more.

I wanted time. I wanted flexibility. I wanted trust and respect.

As such, my primary focus shifted from focusing almost purely on money to the above.

What would I need to do to be able to spend more time with my friends and family, whilst also still earning enough money to support us?

And the honest answer is I’m still working it out (but I do know it involves working more efficiently, rather than simply working more).

I wanted to write this post to hopefully begin a discussion – or even just a thought process – on success indicators and how financial wealth doesn’t have to be a primary one.

However, whilst writing it, I now also hope it instills some type of inspiration. My previous post was all about inspiration from wealth and caused some controversy because of some figures included, and I hope I – someone you don’t know and have never met – can at least offer some form of resassurance that success comes in various forms and can be easily achieved by all.

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