Top 10 Educational Websites and Apps for Children

Gone are the days when technology was only employed for a specific function. Today people of all ages use it for infinite reasons. Some people use it constructively, while others use it just to pass the time most commonly by  playing games or socializing. Especially when we talk about children, it is easy to understand that most of them use gadgets to have fun. Is the internet just confined to the use of Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter and other similar social networks? No! It’s so much more than that. The irony is that we don’t hold enough knowledge to use it to our advantage and help our kids move in the right direction while enjoying themselves.

Why don’t we combine fun and learn? Following are the top 10 websites and apps (not arranged in any particular order) for children that can help foster their creativity while having fun:

1. Duolingo:

Are you interested in teaching your kids a foreign language? What better way to do so then to create an account for free on Duolingo. A fun mode to take another language by playing games and earning points along the path. It is a website and an app that was awarded Google’s ‘Best of the Best in 2013’. As a Pakistani, the downside is that it won’t teach English, but there are a variety of European languages that can be mastered.

2. Night Zoo Keeper:

Night Zoo Keeper is available for free to a certain extent and then you can opt for paid membership. It is an educational game that help foster creativity. It’s a good learning platform for kids and they can draw their own animals to fill their magical zoo.

Night Zoo Keeper

3. Operation Math:

Operation Math is an app that helps kids sharpen their mathematics skills. Read and have fun along the way is the main idea as the kids do find tackling numbers as a tedious practice.

Operation Math

4. Khan Academy:

Khan Academy is one of the best educational website online. It is ideal for students of all ages who want to exercise on their fields. Although the site is not that attractive for kids as compared to many others, but the educational material on offer is worth a shout. A simple and easy to use interface makes it an obvious and stand out choice for both parents and kids.

Khan Academy

5. The Foos: Free Code Hour:

How to get your children interested in programming? Check out free Foos app available on all main platforms supported by in-app purchases. This app introduces programming concepts to the children through exciting puzzle adventures. There are many levels and kids need to complete one level in order to move on to the other. At each step, they learn different concepts and also helps improve their analytical and problem-solving abilities.

Foos App

6. Tynker:

Another app that teaches your kids the rudiments of programming and algorithmic concepts is Tynker. Kids solve a number of ‘coding puzzles’ to move forward. Now learning programming is no longer hard. It helps empower the next generation of programmers.


7. Dragon Box App:

Dragon Box App is specifically designed for children who want to learn algebra. A fun way to learn while having a good time. The app presents a number of puzzle challenges that kids solve while learning algebraic rules along the way.

Dragonbox App

8. Quizlet:

Quizlet is a free education site that is ideal for teachers, parents and children.  It holds a database of more than 50 million flash cards, tests and field games for pupils of all ages. Create an account and start exploring right away!



9. Colar App:

Colar App is a cool app to keep your kids engaged in a healthy activity. Working on the concept of augmented reality, this app allows you to bring your picture to life. Print the drawing pages and color them. Now, the real fun begins. Use the color mix app to take its picture and see how it gives life to the character which is animated and zoomable. Let the kids have fun while they learn.

Colar App

10. Brain Scape:

Brainscape is a platform that helps you learn faster and remember longer. It helps you create professional quality flashcards to facilitate learning. It is free to join in and can work with desktop, smartphones and tablets. It is used worldwide by a large number of students and teachers.


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