
Becoming a Zero-Waste E-commerce Company

In an era where traditional brick and mortar retailers are becoming increasingly less popular, and experiential eCommerce store pop-ups are earning more attention, it’s all about being “unique” if you want to get noticed. Today’s marketplace is perpetually in favor of the companies with the highest marketing budgets, the strongest social media strategies, and the best solutions for influencer content. This means that it’s harder than ever for anyone to launch a successful brand. Recently, Adrian Morrison from eCom Success Academy issued a report that showed that around 170 H&M stores will be closing this year, which means that even the fashion sector is beginning to feel the pinch of the digital revolution. (source: ecomsuccessacademy)

Today’s customers don’t necessarily need to try something on before they buy it, and their focus on sustainability over other concerns like price points mean that the companies that we willing to take a zero-waste approach to business are the ones that gain the most attention. 

Responding to the Need for Zero Waste

Some of the companies already in the fashion market have begun to search for new ways to follow the eCommerce concerns around zero waste. For instance, Reformation is a brand that’s devoted to being as sustainable as possible in their selling practices. There’s also an up-and-coming startup called Frilly, which allows users to customize clothing on the website, meaning that each piece of clothing is made and designed specifically for the buyer. 

Today’s customers want their eCommerce fashion stores to be as friction-free as possible. Unlike other promotional clothing vendors, Frilly allows you to design your clothing on models using a 360-degree view. You can start your look with a base or foundational design offered by the store, then everything else is designed according to your preferences, including the fabrics you choose, the buttons, the pockets, and more. 

Where Frilly becomes particularly appealing is the fact that the capital for the company is completely bootstrapped by founders. What’s more, they’re also the only website in the space today that offers the same degree of custom detail when it comes to creating clothing from scratch. It wouldn’t be surprising if another high-end fashion company attempted to buy Frilly in the future stated Adrian Morrison in an recently published article by GFKAmerica 

Making Custom-Made Clothing 

Frilly has introduced a new way for people to enter the fashion industry, producing clothing from their privately-owned Chinese factory. The founders say that they are yet to fully uncover the potential of their technology opportunities, although the current software they’re using took three years to meet the standards they are showcasing today. 

Frilly is unique in the fact that they don’t use patterns that are made using fit-models like the remainder of the fashion industry. Instead, the technology the company uses allows them to design a single fashion item for each customer depending on what they need. This means that anyone can get the kind of clothing they want, without having to worry about it being too long, short, tight, or large. 

The customizable clothing industry is sure to emerge as an even bigger and better opportunity for people in the fashion space who want to make sure that they get ahead of their competitors and continue to offer a truly unforgettable experience to their audience. After all, we’re living in a world where experience is everything. Today’s customers want personalized and bespoke experiences from retailers, and what better way is there to offer just that than to deliver a completely-customizable shopping experience?  

Companies like Frilly are on track to change the fashion industry as we know it for good, if you don’t keep your eye on the horizon, you could find that you’re soon working in a very different global space. 

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